So first off! We hope to see you at Oil Town in Smackover this coming weekend! We will have our barbecue beans for samples (weather permitting) along with some samples of our sauce. We will have some free take-away goodies for people coming by along with the samples. We will also be running some combo deals that you will not be able to find in stores! Come out and enjoy the festival and get some sauce!
Second, don't forget to pick your father up some Old Hickory products for Father's Day. Nothing says I love you like "Hey here is some of the 'Best of the Better Sauces', now go cook some ribs and barbecue beans" haha. But seriously, we have an Old Hickory Starter Set that may be a perfect option for a new user, or someone trying to get the best deal on our sauce and would make a great Father's Day gift.
Now, we keep hearing questions about our Cooking Sauce, mainly about where people can buy the sauce. Currently, we sell our Cooking Sauce at select locations and online in our store, but before we take the Cooking Sauce to more locations we are reworking the front label panel so that the labels clearly state Gluten-Free and No-MSG. YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT! Our cooking sauce is made with ingredients that are GLUTEN FREE! While our regular barbecue sauce does have wheat flour in it, our Cooking Sauce doesn't and we are happy that we can offer a gluten free option. We are currently in the process of getting that artwork completed and are already in talks with grocery store chains to get that product in their stores.
Now, we have also been getting questions from people in other areas of the State and the country about when they may be able to see Old Hickory in their local grocery stores. Our answer to that is simply as soon as we can get it there! Getting new artwork and getting new products set up takes time but we are always looking to be able to expand our markets and will let you, our ever loyal customers, know when we can get that done! Until then you can always go to our website and purchase our sauce online!
We also have a new group on Facebook for sharing your favorite Old Hickory Recipes! Go check it out and share anything you may have! Or simply share your favorite picture of you using Old Hickory!
A sincere thank you to all our wonderful customers and fans! Come see us at Oil Town this weekend!!!!!